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Program Offerings

Established in 1913, the Department of Geosciences is part of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, one of the original colleges of the University.   The Department of Geosciences offers M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs that provide students with a broad background in any of the major areas of geosciences and intensive research experience.

The goal of our programs is to prepare students for specific careers in academia, government, or industry.  Students are encouraged to publish in the peer-reviewed literature as part of their dissertation research.  Many students choose to have two faculty as research advisors.

Currently about a third of our students are in the M.S. program and two thirds are in the Ph.D program.

Students entering with a B.S. or B.A. degrees may choose, with faculty approval, to bypass the  M.S. degree and work directly for the Ph.D. The M.S. degree typically requires two years of work and the Ph.D. (without an M.S.) about four years.

Our Faculty

Dedicated to academic and professional excellence, our faculty members emphasize both fundamental and interdisciplinary study. Despite their high research productivity, our faculty are committed to delivering the very finest undergraduate geoscience education in the country.

Student Life

Graduate student life is engaging, with frequent seminars, lab-group meetings, field trips, and social events. Annual faculty-student softball games and the "Entropy" party each spring offer ample opportunity for more casual interaction with faculty.

Come for a Visit

Please browse our site and let us know if you have questions or would like to arrange a visit. We're looking forward to seeing you on campus!

View our programs below for more information.