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Aminat Abdulsalam
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 447 Deike Building taa5682@psu.edu |
Raphael Affinito
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 439 Deike Building raa5627@psu.edu |
Richard Alley
Evan Pugh University Professor Department of Geosciences 517B Deike Building 814-863-1700 rba6@psu.edu |
Safiya Alpheus
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 439 Deike Building sza5393@psu.edu |
Charles Ammon
Professor and Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs Department of Geosciences 440 Deike Building 814-865-2310 charlesammon@psu.edu |
Sridhar Anandakrishnan
Professor Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 513 Deike Building 814-863-6742 sxa17@psu.edu |
Michael Arthur
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building maa6@psu.edu |
Allison Baczynski
Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 218 Deike Building 717-977-1282 aab27@psu.edu |
Bill Ballock
Engineering Support Specialist Department of Geosciences 506 Deike Building wjb22@psu.edu |
Zachary Baran
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building zxb62@psu.edu |
Adam Benfield
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 403 Deike Building ajb6052@psu.edu |
Heike Betz
Research Technologist Department of Geosciences 218 Deike Building 814-863-4426 hsb6@psu.edu |
David Bice
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building 814-865-4477 dmb53@psu.edu |
Timothy Bralower
Professor Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building bralower@psu.edu |
Susan Brantley
Evan Pugh University Professor Barnes Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 311 Hosler Building sxb7@psu.edu |
Danielle Buchheister
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building dob5203@psu.edu |
Enock Bunyon
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 437 Deike Building eqb5508@psu.edu |
Rebecca Bussard
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences, EMS Energy Institute 442 Deike Building rqb5400@psu.edu |
Benjamin Cardenas
Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 209 Deike Building btcardenas@psu.edu |
Luis Alejandro Giraldo Ceron
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building agiraldo@psu.edu |
Watsawan (Fai) Chanchai
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike Building wzc5325@psu.edu |
Rory Changleng
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 438 Deike Building rmc6312@psu.edu |
Hee Choi
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building hxc5400@psu.edu |
Dongyoun Chung
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building dmc6486@psu.edu |
Claire Cleveland
Visiting Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building czc5669@psu.edu |
Charlotte Connop
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building cvc5644@psu.edu |
Daniel Cove
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building dsc5621@psu.edu |
Emma Cox
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building ejc5696@psu.edu |
Roman DiBiase
Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 306 Deike Building 814-865-7388 rdibiase@psu.edu |
Erin DiMaggio
Associate Research Professor Department of Geosciences 308 Deike Building 814-865-7390 dimaggio@psu.edu |
Hanh-Tu Ella Do
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 447 Deike Building hed5147@psu.edu |
Gabriel Rocha Dos Santos
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 447 Deike Building grd5166@psu.edu |
Nisa Downey
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 439 Deike Building nmd5894@psu.edu |
Juliana Drozd
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Dieke Building jkd5941@psu.edu |
David Early
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike Building dre5084@psu.edu |
Dave Eggler
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building dhe1@psu.edu |
Agethe Eijsink
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences, EMS Energy Institute 231 Hosler Building ame6096@psu.edu |
Derek Elsworth
G. Albert Shoemaker Chair and Professor Department of Geosciences 231 Hosler Building 814-865-2225 elsworth@psu.edu |
Terry Engelder
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building jte2@psu.edu |
Matthew Fantle
Professor Department of Geosciences 339 Deike Building 814-863-9968 msf17@psu.edu |
Maureen Feineman
Associate Research Professor Department of Geosciences 538 Deike Building 814-863-7400 feineman@psu.edu |
Isabel Fendley
Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 311 Deike Building ivf5060@psu.edu |
Donald Fisher
Professor and Associate Head for Graduate Programs Department of Geosciences 334 Deike Building 814-865-3206 dmf6@psu.edu |
Bradford Foley
Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 307 Deike Buiding 814-863-3591 bjf5382@psu.edu |
Brandon Fong
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 338 Deike Building btf5147@psu.edu |
Chris Forest
Professor Department of Geosciences, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 507 Walker Building 814-865-0710 ceforest@psu.edu |
Katherine Freeman
Evan Pugh University Professor Department of Geosciences 235 Deike Building 814-863-8177 khf4@psu.edu |
Kevin Furlong
Professor Department of Geosciences 413 Deike Building 814-863-0567 kpf1@psu.edu |
Tanya Furman
Research Professor Department of Geosciences 333 Deike Building 814-865-5782 tfl3@psu.edu |
Joshua Garber
Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 441 Deike Building jxg1395@psu.edu |
Gabriela Gesualdo
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 441 Deike Building gqg5266@psu.edu |
Thomas Givens
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building tvg5301@psu.edu |
David Gold
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building dpg1@psu.edu |
Judit Gonzalez-Santana
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building jmg6885@psu.edu |
Earl Graham
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building ekg1@psu.edu |
Roy Greenfield
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building rjg4@psu.edu |
Xiwei Guo
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 248 Deike Building xguo@psu.edu |
Antonia Hadjimichael
Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 212 Deike Building azh5924@psu.edu |
Elizabeth Hajek
Associate Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 534 Deike Building 814-867-4418 hajek@psu.edu |
Kalev Hantsoo
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building kbh5220@psu.edu |
Gabriella Harris
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building gur53@psu.edu |
Emma Hartke
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building erh5454@psu.edu |
Amy Hasan
Administrative Support Coordinator 5 Department of Geosciences 116F Deike Building 814-865-2622 alh31@psu.edu |
Eric Hasegawa
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building emh6118@psu.edu |
Ran He
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 437 Deike Building rbh5430@psu.edu |
Peter Heaney
Professor Department of Geosciences 540 Deike Building 814-865-6821 pjh14@psu.edu |
Ethan Heidtman
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building efh5433@psu.edu |
Madison Hernandez
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 543 Deike Building mjh7517@psu.edu |
Claire Hines
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 437 Deike Building cvh5941@psu.edu |
Kyle Homman
Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 444 Deike Building kah5265@psu.edu |
Jacob Hoover
Undergraduate Program Coordinator Department of Geosciences 116H Deike Building 814-865-7791 jdh292@psu.edu |
Bailey Hoplight
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building bah6192@psu.edu |
Katie Horisk
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 437 Deike Building keh5809@psu.edu |
Christopher House
Interim Department Head and Professor Department of Geosciences 435 Deike Building 814-865-8802 chrishouse@psu.edu |
Rachel Housego
Assistant Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 306 Deike Building rhousego@udel.edu |
Jennifer Houser
Graduate Student Program Coordinator Department of Geosciences 116G Deike Building jjh2@psu.edu |
Xiaoni Hu
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building xxh71@psu.edu |
Andrew Hyde
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building akh5390@psu.edu |
Miquela Ingalls
Assistant Professor Wilson Faculty Fellow Department of Geosciences 206 Deike Building TBD ingalls@psu.edu |
Kayla Irizarry
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike Building kmi5137@psu.edu |
Sarah Ivory
Assistant Professor Wilson Faculty Fellow Department of Geosciences 207 Deike Building 814-865-6173 sarah_ivory@psu.edu |
Aoshuang Ji
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building azj64@psu.edu |
Sarah Jonathan
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building srj5258@psu.edu |
James Kasting
Evan Pugh University Professor Emeritus Department of Geosciences 435 Deike Building jfk4@psu.edu |
Brian Kelley
Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 310 Deike Building 814-865-4517 brian.kelley@psu.edu |
Derrill Kerrick
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building k56@psu.edu |
Donggeon Kim
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building dqk5671@psu.edu |
Young Cheol Kim
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike Building yvk5286@psu.edu |
Julien Kimmig
Adjunct Assistant Teaching Professor Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building jkimmig@psu.edu |
Denali Kincaid
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 435 Deike Building dpk5581@psu.edu |
Yusuke Kubota
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building kubota@psu.edu |
Lee Kump
Dean, Earth and Mineral Sciences John Leone Dean in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Dean's Office, Department of Geosciences 510 Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub, 123 S. Burrowes Street 814-865-6546 lrk4@psu.edu |
Chanel Lange-Manney
Education Program Coordinator Department of Geosciences 235 Deike Building 814-863-2650 cml5476@psu.edu |
Kimberly Lau
Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 407 Deike Building 814-863-9775 kvlau@psu.edu |
Miranda Lawrence
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building mbl5755@psu.edu |
Hannah Leapaldt
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 403A Deike Building hcl5089@psu.edu |
Ian Lee
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 532 Deike Building irl5041@psu.edu |
Li Li
Professor, Environmental Engineering Department of Geosciences 0221A Sackett Building lxl35@psu.edu |
Max Lloyd
Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 410 Deike Building (650) 804-5852 mkl5587@psu.edu |
Wan Ki (Arthur) Lo
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building wzl5367@psu.edu |
Christian Lundy
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Building cjl5870@psu.edu |
Sinead Lyster
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building sjl6171@psu.edu |
Jennifer Macalady
Professor Department of Geosciences 211 Deike Building 814-865-6330 jlm80@psu.edu |
Ophélie Michele Karen Macintosh
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 218 Deike Building omm5285@psu.edu |
Chris Marone
Professor Department of Geosciences 536 Deike Building 814-865-7964 cjm38@psu.edu |
Sierra Melton
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Off Site smm1084@psu.edu |
Frances Meyer
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building fmm5327@psu.edu |
Joseph Miller
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Building jfm6286@psu.edu |
Lillian Miller
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Building lem6071@psu.edu |
Tushar Mittal
Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 503 Deike Building tmittal@psu.edu |
Aristle Monteiro
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building ajm8854@psu.edu |
Esther Munoz
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building ecm5494@psu.edu |
Raymond Najjar
Professor Department of Geosciences, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 522 Walker Building 814-863-1586 rgn1@psu.edu |
Oliver Neilson
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building obn5031@psu.edu |
Loren Newman
Financial Coordinator 3 Department of Geosciences 116D Deike Building 814-863-0633 ljn5212@psu.edu |
Robert (Caleb) Norville
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 403 Deike Building rcn5097@psu.edu |
Muhammad (Edo) Nurshal
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Building mbn5432@psu.edu |
Andrew Nyblade
Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 436 Deike Building 814-863-8341 aan2@psu.edu |
Hiroshi Ohmoto
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building hqo@psu.edu |
Roger Ort
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building rco5102@psu.edu |
Byron Parizek
Professor Department of Geosciences 517A Deike Building 814-865-9319 brp106@psu.edu |
Richard Parizek
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building rrp1@psu.edu |
Mark Patzkowsky
Professor Department of Geosciences 539 Deike Building 814-863-1959 mep12@psu.edu |
Emma Perkins
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences Deike Building etp5185@psu.edu |
Sara Peterson
Alumni Awards and Stewardship Coordinator Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building sfp3@psu.edu |
Karen Pham
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 437 Deike Building kvp22@psu.edu |
Anastasia Piliouras
Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 210 Deike Building apiliouras@psu.edu |
David Pollard
Senior Research Associate, Emeritus Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 2217 Earth & Engineering Sci Bldg (814) 865-2022 dxp21@psu.edu |
Sampath Rathnayaka
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute n/a scr5394@psu.edu |
Jesse Reimink
Assistant Professor Rudy L. Slingerland Early Career Professorship Department of Geosciences 411 Deike Building 814-865-6666 jreimink@psu.edu |
Austin Robinette
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building acr5587@psu.edu |
Arthur Rose
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building awr1@psu.edu |
Nolan Roth
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building njr5569@psu.edu |
Laura Rush
Administrative Support Assistant Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building 814-867-4760 lbr5310@psu.edu |
Alexandra Sabattier
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 532 Deike Building axs707@psu.edu |
Jackson Saftner
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building jfs6821@psu.edu |
Chandan Kumar Sahu
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building cks6151@psu.edu |
Youki Sato
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building yws5168@psu.edu |
Bob Schmalz
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building rfs3@psu.edu |
Erik Schoonover
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 403 Deike Building ejschoonover@psu.edu |
Emily Schwans
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 532 Deike Building eps5217@psu.edu |
Leila Joyce Seals
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building lmj5582@psu.edu |
Samuel Shaheen
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 447 Deike Building sws41@psu.edu |
Noshin Sharmili
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 439 Deike Building nvs5791@psu.edu |
Claire Shaughnessy
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 438 Deike Building czw188@psu.edu |
Junzhu Shen
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 447 Deike Building jxs2475@psu.edu |
Garrett Shepherd
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 303 Deike Building gls5392@psu.edu |
Rudy Slingerland
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building rxs15@psu.edu |
Hillary Smith
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building hhs5048@psu.edu |
Andrew Smye
Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 332 Deike Building 814-865-5530 aus702@psu.edu |
Todd Sowers
Senior Scientist, emeritus Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 317a Earth and Engineering Sciences Building 814-865-1921 sowers@geosc.psu.edu |
Edward Spagnuolo
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building ejs5902@psu.edu |
Ava Spangler
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 543 Deike Building aas6791@psu.edu |
Adam Stone
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 438 Deike Building ats5482@psu.edu |
Leonie Strobl
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building las6938@psu.edu |
Miranda Sturtz
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 236 Deike Building mbs6874@psu.edu |
Steve Swavely
Research Support Technologist III Department of Geosciences 509 Deike Building sls71@psu.edu |
Alexander Thames
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 336 Deike Building ayt5134@psu.edu |
Elizabeth Tofte
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building ert5224@psu.edu |
Barry Voight
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building bxv1@psu.edu |
Anna Waldeck
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 409 Deike Building afw5324@psu.edu |
Jasmine Walker
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 519 Deike Building jasminewalker@psu.edu |
Tengxiang Wang
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 312 Deike Building wangtengxiang@psu.edu |
Zhinong Wang
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building zfw5324@psu.edu |
Christelle Wauthier
Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 442 Deike Building 814-863-6649 cuw25@psu.edu |
Em White
M.S. Candidate Department of Geosciences 438 Deike Building elw5457@psu.edu |
Timothy White
Research Associate Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 2217 Earth & Engineering Sciences Building 814-865-2213 tsw113@psu.edu |
Will White
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building wbw2@psu.edu |
Chris Widga
Director, EMS Museum and Art Gallery Dean's Office, Department of Geosciences, Museum / Art Gallery 6 Deike Building 814-863-6017 cxw5766@psu.edu |
Peter Wilf
Professor Department of Geosciences 537 Deike Building 814-865-6721 pwilf@psu.edu |
Amanda Willet
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 439 Deike Building agw5152@psu.edu |
Hao Xie
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 412 Deike Building hbx5051@psu.edu |
Leah Youngquist
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 335 Deike Building lzy5182@psu.edu |
Pengliang Yu
Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Geosciences 231 Hosler Building pmy5077@psu.edu |
Dayang Zhou
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building dmz5355@psu.edu |
Tieyuan Zhu
Associate Professor Department of Geosciences 406 Deike Building 814-863-7112 tyzhu@psu.edu |